Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Did she like me? My family, cousins, and i always go this campground in maine, ?

and we see the same people each year. Two years ago, we met this group of people, 3 girls, one 12, one 14, and ond 15. I was 13, and my 2 guy cousins and frienda were with us. Each night we all hung out, but she, the 14 y/o, didnt pay too much attention to me. Last year, we went, each of us 1 year older obviously, and things were different. When ever she saw me shed say my name and run up and hug me. Wed talk ALOT and shed laugh with me. She txtd me in the midd of the night to talk to me, even though we were at the same place just at different sites.One night we wer hangin out, the group of us, and me and her walkd over to the park down the road at lik 10. I sat on one of the swings, and instead of taking one of the 3 available ones, she sat on my lap and leaned on me and we talked. The next day my cuz, who had his license, drove us up to a bridge to jump off of into the water. When we got there, she and her friends wer alredy ther, we decided to invite them earliar. Before i jumpd, she was lik wait ill go with u, and we stood on the railing, and she took my hand, and we jumpd the 10-15 foot drop, wen we wer treding water she put her arms around me wen no one cud see us under the bridge and we just lookd at eachother. Later that night, our second to last nite, the group of us wer all at the basketball court at lik 1030, just sitting on the benches.. At this point, evrone was in hookups xcept us 2. They wer all doin ther thing, while we just sat and talkd. At one point her frend calld me over and was lik "make a move alredy and kiss her" but she overherd and freek out at her frend sso i think she didnt want to. The last nite it startd akward, but we got comfortable agen and wer talking. She had to leev early in the mornin, so her mom calld and told her to come to her site. She told me to walk with her. She held my hand. Wen we got at her site, we huggd, thats it. Im goin bak, will she be interested? Was she last yeer? Help, and shes 1 yeer older, if it makes a diff

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