Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What do I do If my friend likes my ex hookup?

so I used to hook up with this guy, lets call him bob. But he said he didn't want a relationship and we stopped hooking up because he said he felt it was wrong because nothing was going to come out of it. However I still had feelings for him for awhile. A month later he hung out with my best friend, lets call her jane, without telling me. they even lied to me about what they were doing that night because they thought I would be mad. Now they want to date each other. do I have a right to be mad? or should I be happy for them?

Did she like me? Did i lose my chance ?

I kno this is long, just read! So me and my cousins go to a camp ground same time each year. Two years ago, we met these 3 girls, one 12, one 14, and one 15. I was 13, and my 2 guy cousins were with me. Each night we all hung out, but she, the 14 y/o, didnt pay too much attention to me. Last year, we went and things were different. When ever she saw me shed yel and run up and hug me. Wed talk ALOT and shed laugh with me. She txtd me in the midd of the night to talk to me, even though we were at the same place just at different sites.One nite we wer all hangin out, and me and her walkd over to the park down the road at lik 10. I sat on one of the swings, and instead of taking one of the 3 available ones, she sat on my lap and leaned on me and we talked. The next day my cuz, who had his license, drove us up to a bridge to jump off of into the water. When we got there, the 3 girls wer ther. Before i jumpd, she was lik wait ill go with u, and we stood on the railing, and she took my hand, and we jumpd the 10-15 foot drop, wen we wer treding water she put her arms around me wen no one cud see us under the bridge and we just lookd at eachother. Later that night, our second to last nite, the group of us wer all at the basketball court at lik 10:30, just sitting on the benches. At this point, evrone was in hookups xcept us 2. They wer all doin ther thing, while we just sat and talkd. At one point her frend calld me over and was lik "make a move alredy and kiss her, uv had so many opportunities" but she overherd and freekd out at her frend sso i think she didnt want to. The last nite it startd akward, but we got comfortable agen and wer talking. She had to leev early in the mornin, so her mom calld and told her to come to her site. She told me to walk with her. She held my hand. Wen we got at her site, we huggd, thats it. Im goin bak, will she be and was she interested? Did i miss my chances? Was she just friendly or did she like me? Shes now 16 and im 15. Please, advice?!

How does this Lilith story sound?

Wow, first I would like to say you are awesome for having an open mind. You may want to dig a little deeper into those legends though. You should read the Pseudepigrapha books (those left out of the bible when they made it). There you will find that it was God and the angles that wanted her to take a submissive position under Adam. When she refused the angles caught up with her fleeing somewhere by the sea and threated her with a curse if she didn't. However she refused anyway and had many demonic children. perhaps to spite. Some texts also say that she was not created by God,but rather summoned from the great abyss. Some also say that she later came back to Adam and raped him to beget Cain and that both her and Adam were hermaphrodites.

Do you think my body will react well to a vegan diet?

It will work well for you if, and only if, you do it right. I was vegetarian for round about 3 years or so, it just wasn't working for me because I guess I didn't have the patience to do it right. So, do your research.

Advice for aftermarket deck or iPod integration for a 2004 Pontiac grand prix gtp?

I have a 2004 Pontiac grand prix gtp and I need to get an iPod hookup to the cars sound system. I would get a cd deck but don't know how to put one in when I have the air controls on that panel and I need to keep the 8 disc cd changer. Is there a stereo converter for my car that can fit an aftermarket deck and allow me to use the air controls as well as my cd changer ? If not is there just a cord I can install to my factory unit to allow me to hook me iPod up to it without losing quality ? Any help is appreciated thanks !!!

My question is, does the Attorney General of Texas (Greg Abbott) have jurisdiction over the Dallas DA?

Very briefly. Myself and 3 other individuals filed a complaint with the Dallas DA for a fraud scheme. We were defrauded over $400,000. We filed a complaint Nov 2009 and followed up Nov 2010. They advised it was under grand jury investigation and could not give us any info. Jan 2011 we discovered the crooks had a friend who worked in the DA's office, had a friend who was a judge, and that the crooks had defrauded 3 other individuals for $170,000 while under "grand jury investigation". We pulled our case and our paperwork was promptly handed to us from the DA's Office the next day. I sent an email to Greg Abbot with attachments about our plight, and the next day I had a response that it was under "criminal justice review" and that they would not be contacting me unless they needed additional information. Due to the experiences with the Dallas DA, I followed up a month later with the Austin Attorney General's Office. This time it was replied by Capt. Gregory Lewis, and he advised that per my email the Dallas DA is investigating my case and they cannot get involved. And that they "do not have oversight of the Dallas district Attorney's Office". That they can only get involved is assistance is requested by the Dallas DA. I even called him and talked to him. And he told me the same thing. I advised him that "he must not have read the attachment with my email (my statement). He again advised they had no jurisdiction over the Dallas DA. And advised me that per the statement in my email, that I should try the State Securities Board. He didn't sound interested at all. We then went to the State Securities Board in Dallas. They investigated by going to the Dallas DA and reviewing the documents the Dallas DA had ascertained. Seems all they got were bank records. According the Securities Board, there was not enough evidence to prosecute. The Securities Board advised they could see where the crooks had put my money into an account, but "unfortunately" they made all cash withdrawals, and that THAT would be hard to even get a jury panel put together. I advised Mr. Oman, "well i guess Stephen Williams has committed the perfect crime." He did not say another word. So my question, does the Austin Attorney General of Texas Gregg Abbott have jurisdiction over Dallas District Attorney Craig Watkins. Thanks for your replies.

How to deal with atheist friend?

I would stay quiet if I were you. As the sages say he who knows doesn't speaks he who speaks doesn't know.

How do you carry your weapon ?

I usually put it in the passenger seat and put a cloth over it to cover it when I drive , In my house its on the side table next to bed and when I go out I use a holster and cover it with a shirt . But I have seen some people put a pistol directly in their pants or behind their pants and I always wonder what if the gun falls in the pants or just goes off , or if they need it and they are sitting they wouldn't be able to grab it from their *** .And besides anyone can walk behind you and pull your gun out before you have a chance to react . Your thoughts ?

Did she like me? My family, cousins, and i always go this campground in maine, ?

and we see the same people each year. Two years ago, we met this group of people, 3 girls, one 12, one 14, and ond 15. I was 13, and my 2 guy cousins and frienda were with us. Each night we all hung out, but she, the 14 y/o, didnt pay too much attention to me. Last year, we went, each of us 1 year older obviously, and things were different. When ever she saw me shed say my name and run up and hug me. Wed talk ALOT and shed laugh with me. She txtd me in the midd of the night to talk to me, even though we were at the same place just at different sites.One night we wer hangin out, the group of us, and me and her walkd over to the park down the road at lik 10. I sat on one of the swings, and instead of taking one of the 3 available ones, she sat on my lap and leaned on me and we talked. The next day my cuz, who had his license, drove us up to a bridge to jump off of into the water. When we got there, she and her friends wer alredy ther, we decided to invite them earliar. Before i jumpd, she was lik wait ill go with u, and we stood on the railing, and she took my hand, and we jumpd the 10-15 foot drop, wen we wer treding water she put her arms around me wen no one cud see us under the bridge and we just lookd at eachother. Later that night, our second to last nite, the group of us wer all at the basketball court at lik 1030, just sitting on the benches.. At this point, evrone was in hookups xcept us 2. They wer all doin ther thing, while we just sat and talkd. At one point her frend calld me over and was lik "make a move alredy and kiss her" but she overherd and freek out at her frend sso i think she didnt want to. The last nite it startd akward, but we got comfortable agen and wer talking. She had to leev early in the mornin, so her mom calld and told her to come to her site. She told me to walk with her. She held my hand. Wen we got at her site, we huggd, thats it. Im goin bak, will she be interested? Was she last yeer? Help, and shes 1 yeer older, if it makes a diff

Should i like him? Am i wrong?

So i had sex with grant in february. We were drinking a little and just did it. He was my 2nd i was his first. We have kinda been trying to date and he wanted to wait til he got his license so we have been waiting and he gets it in like a week. But in the waiting time he is kinda rude to me he messes with me alot and lets his friends make fun of me. He gets drunk 3 or 4 times a week and my mom doesnt like him. I like him because he is really sweet somtimes and takes me on an adventure all the time. He picks in the middle of the night and we hang out and when we are with eachother we have a good time but we like to argue alot. He used to only hang out with me when he was drunk but i confronted him about it and he has deffineitly fixed it alot. We have problems because he pisses me off all the time and i have random hookups with guys that he doesnt like. Are we just in a bond because of the sex we had and our emotional connection from that? I know we are disfunctional but it works for us. And also i feel like his hot friend kenny is into me. He wants to take me out and he offers to take me to his house and have late night swims and hes really sweet. Never an *** to girls. Everyone i know likes him. And alot if people say grant is a D bag with a capitol D. Idk what to do and is kenny a wrong pick bcuz hes grants good friend?? HELP!!!

Keeping dogs outside to sleep ?

Ok, so i have a golden retriever mix and my parents who live next door to me have a black lab. Now, the back yards are connected and i can go through my backyard and let my dog into my parents yard to play with the other black dog durring the day. The black dog is a hunting dog (we live in louisiana so my dad duck hunts every season) but my dog is just a mix from the pound but a good dog. The point is that my parents bulid a 5 by 5 fully equipped dog house for them.It had a light, A/C and Heater in it. They just finished it last week and started thinking that they were going to leave their dog the black one outside over night. My dad still takes her out for training and walking during the week but they thought it was a good idea to help her coat fill and to keep the house cleaner while shes sheading and having her (time) if you know when i mean. Well, they asked me if i would leave my dog outside at night as well to keep the other dog company and i wasnt sure what to do. My dog sleeps in a kennel inside our home but has never spend a whole night outside. Does anyone think it would be a totally bad idea to leave her outside? They have teh dog house and each other and i take her for walks during the week but i just dont want her to feel neglected at night bc she is used to sleeping inside. IDK how she will react. Any answers to this would ge GREAT ....Thanks

Will the new Republican leaders of the United States see fit to remove from history books the period from?

The republican plan boils down to giving big business whatever they want.. And middle class wages and benefits aren't part of that plan.

Should i leave my boyfriend, of a year and a half?

My guy is good friends with his teenage ex girlfriend, her husband, has no idea, they hang out. Before he was my boyfriend, they would flirt and I'm sure they still do. Their friendship has me worried. He says it would never go any further than just friends. He recently moved back to his hometown. I'm supposed to move with him in a month or 2. He knows exactly how I feel about her. I've never met her, but i know i can't stand them being friends. Our relationship is the best we've ever had. I Definitely need some advice, am I over reacting, or should I just walk away?

How do you tell a guy you've liked him for a long time?

We go to the same high school and we've just graduated and we have our senior prom next week. We have never spoken since we have never had the same classes or group of friends. I think i will tell him how i feel on prom probably at the after party. He has a date though i know they are just going as friends. Im thinkingnwhat the heck, i will never see him ever again why not just tell him how i feel. But i cant seem to find a good sentence to say without looking like a creep or scaring him off. I was thinking " hi i'm sarah, you probaboy dont know me but im liked you for quite a while now". Though theres no way of answering the question without feeling akward. Any suggestions? Ps i want a serious relationship and not a hookup and ive heard he wants the same thing. Thanks for your help :)

What can i do to make my boyfriend horny?

so we hookup a lot. hes fingered me and ive given him head. i dont want to have sex. tonight we are supposed to go see a movie. what can i do to drive him crazy tonight and want to be touching me all the time? thank you so much! xoxo!

I came home and found my beloved Husky/Wolf hybrid of 12 yrs dead and ripped up by two of my other dogs...why?

I once witnessed my Husky/Wolf hybrid almost kill her mother when she was old and had cancer--she survived for another year before finally showing me she couldn't go on any longer. I now have found her daughter, some ten years later, all strung out along my fence with heavily trodden snow and lots of blood where my 9yo Great Dane ***** and my rescued 6yo English Mastiff had killed her--she was a really good fighter, but her aged body wouldn't do what she needed it to do and she finally succumbed to the two attackers. I have one more older Great Dane who has Wobbler Syndrome and she has holes in her as well, but is slow to make it down stairs where the dog door is to the outside. There was no food, or anything to fight over--the only thing I did differently was to liberate some stuffed toys from the top of one of the book cases the night before--so there were lots of stuffed toys on the floor. The rescue Mastiff was bounced around the lower 48 for a while, then brought up to Wasilla and had been squirting out puppies every time she went into heat--I became aware of her plight and she was so shy at first, yet kept reaching out to me when I was there (hanging out with her owner; an acquaintance/used to be friend of mine--I was watching his dogs for a while). Shiloh was always the one that would come to me, then run off if I even moved to wipe my face--I felt sorry for her and decided to give her a good home. Since then, she went from hardly any coat at all, and black with puppy mill grossness to an incredibly healthy female with a huge heart for me as well as those whom I show her are okay. She has become the protector of the house..I am the only human here, and there are four dogs--the Husky/Wolf , Tanker, 12, a rescue Great Dane 8, a show Dane 9, and Shiloh, the Mastiff,6. I knew that there was a bit of tension between the two, but tTanker would always defer to Shiloh when it came to the bed and other stuff, while Shiloh would defer to Tankier when it came to a toy, or being first to get a treat--they seemed to have it all worked out splendidly and got along fine for a year and a half before this happened. I am really good at being in tune with my dogs and they never gave me any indication that this was brewing at all. It is that time of year when the sun begins to feel like California, yet it is still frigid at night that spawned this? There is always a big leap in suicide, homicide, murder rates up here around March, April, and is when the body wakes up and the mind has been hibernating for the winter--now you have energy and find out that you are depressed and can actually do something about it. I have had three of the four (minus the mastiff) get into a gang fight while being kept at another person's house around the same time of year, a few years ago. I moved my dogs there and used the remaining two kennel runs for them--split them up two by morning I let them all out into the big yard only to find all four fighting horribly. It didn't seem to matter which one fought with who, they would break up when I hit them with ammonia but go find another partner and start another fight. I finally picked away one at a time...that was in late March, or around the same time of year as now. I cannot bare to see my nine year old Great Dane as dainty as she seems, nor can I bare to see my rescued Mastiff who now is proudly sporting a healthy new coat and has a small roll of fat on her from Innova dog food; they are outside and I blocked the dog door. Single digit temps and only the two of them on snow or cement-their choice for the night...they can snuggle up together--it makes me feel better knowing that they have to put up with some misery since my beloved Tanktank is in a plastic bag all frozen in the back of my truck out there as well. It makes me sick! I nourished and loved all of my dogs and I know they have no tolerance for weakness within the pack, but they all knew where they belonged...could it be that the Mastiff waited for me to leave before confronting Tanker for whatever reason? Why did the two dogs have blood covering them--obviously ganged up on her--there's a lot of very disturbed ground, about ten feet long where Tanker finally was cornered and brought down then brutally killed-she went out fighting to the death and was only able to slash the two other dogs a few times...a couple deep puncture wounds around the head on the Mastiff and a shredded ear on the Dane--the rest is all Tanker's gut pile and one huge rip along her neck with jellied blood--her face was frozen into a snarl. Tank was defiant and baring her fangs to the end! If I were only home!!!! Can I still love the other two dogs after this? I almost shot them both already, but couldn't since I have loved them for so long--does two or three deaths avenge the one? Will the Mastiff soon decide to attack and kill my eight year old Dane with Wobbler's Syndrome next time, or was she simply just ta

Why Western Powers are Using the Plight of Muslim Women to Wage Wars in Muslim Countries?

One of the leaked documents on Wikileaks contains a CIA Red Cell memo that says, “Afghan women could serve as ideal messengers in humanizing the ISAF role in combating the Taliban because of women’s ability to speak personally and credibly about their experiences under the Taliban, their aspirations for the future, and their fears of a Taliban victory. Outreach initiatives that create media opportunities for Afghan women to share their stories with French, German, and other European women could help to overcome pervasive skepticism among in Western Europe toward the ISAF mission.”

If you oppose illegal immigration than why would you vote for hispanic politicians?

Anyone that votes for latin or hispanic politicians, and expects them to be tough on illegal immigration are being foolish. Check the current voting records of your local elected officials right up to your congressman. If they're of latin or hispanic dissent, chances are 99.9% they support the plight of illegal aliens and support amnesty.

Help with LOGIC pleaseeeee?

a logical move would be for you to get out of the house and go for a walk and worry about what you are doing and not the rest of the world.focus on the man in the mirror.

How to spontaniously hookup?

I'm going to this lake resort and there are tons of hot guys there. I reallly want to hookup and have fun. I'm not the thinnist I hav a bigger butt. My stomach is pretty flat I have yeah ! I'm not ugly but how do I have fun with random guys!?!

I'm in a great plight!!! I have only six days left before the exams!!!?

I'm not asking for a damn method I would just like you to cheer me up, for I know I need a miracle to finish in time what I have to do. FIVE BOOKS TO LEARN BY HEART... Gosh

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

POLL : What would you do/how would you react if your 17yr old daughter had sex wit a 20 yr old guy?

Here in New Zealand the age of consent is 16 and that situation is different there so it is a crime by default in the States..I would be wondering if she freely decided to have sex or was coerced into by the 20 year old male..I have a Daughter and if it happened to her at the same age but she was in the States I would still think the same way.

Is he interested, or just being friendly?

In my freshman year of high school I had a hopeless crush on an junior. He knew I liked him, and was always nice about it, but in my sophomore year he started dating someone else and I got over him (we remained friendly). By my junior year he went to college and I moved on. I just finished my freshman year of college and we recently saw each other again at our high school's graduation. Today he sent a message in which he gave me his phone number and told me to call him so we could eat lunch and "catch up or whatever". I don't want to read into this too much. He could just want to eat lunch (which would be fine). He could also want a summer hookup, which I'm also kinda fine with. My only concern is that if it's the latter, it would be VERY awkward. Am I overanalyzing this? I've moved on, but we're both home for the summer, so a little fling certainly wouldn't be a bad thing.

How should i react if my fiance tells an ex flame hey sexy?

We were in a relationship for three and a half years, we broke up for two yrs and got back together and are now engaged. While we had broken up he dated alot, we even tried to get back together a couple times but it just didn't work out. He had dated her for a short time but they didn't really last and then we got back together and he said they don't talk anymore but it was her birthday the other day and he told her "hey sexy happy bday" and it just had me thinking that the comment was a bit inappropriate. Am i being paranoid? The thing is she is a model and is in alot of social circles.

Please help, I need relationship advice?

Sorry if this gets long but I am really upset. I love this guy I've been dating, but I found out that even though he had feelings for me and I had feelings for him and we both knew, he had some random hookup with some girl. It really hurt me. We weren't together, but still. It's a matter of the fact that he did it. We've known each other for awhile not and I'm not quite sure what to do. I love him with all my heart, but we did break up. He doesn't want to lose me and I don't wanna lose him, but I also don't just wanna make him think it's okay to hurt me and get me back without question. I've had experiences with that and can't deal with it. What should I do, or say? I really need help. He is the one I wanna spend the rest of my life with, please give me some advice.

How to get him back and make him want me more then ever?

Okay so im 15 and i usually get older good looking guys. when i say older i mean 17, 18 not that old. im still virgin and i plan on keeping it that way for a while. ive known this guy "alex" for a looong time. we've been hooking up on and off for 2 years. and i always keep him wanting me i guess cause he always comes back to me. he really wants to have sex but i dont wanna with him. so i never give it up. how do i keep him horny and wanting me by not having sex with him? we do everything but sex but i feel like its getting boring. anyways so please help me on to how to keep him interested and wanting me more! but recently we got in a fight sorta thing. he has never been mean to me before. and the other night i was so drunk and i was on the phone acting stupid and i kept saying what? what? cause i couldnt understand him. and he was so annoyed and just said "your the most immature little girl ive ever met" and hungup. and it really stung. i texted him saying sorry didnt mean to make you mad and no text back. i dont want this to stop our hookups cause he makes me really horny. and there are only a few people who do that. how to make him forgive me or what should i do? please help!

My 21 yr old boyfriend won't look for a summer job?

Does your boyfriend need a summer job? If he's not taking your money so that he doesn't have to work, it's really not your business.

Why should I give any credence to the Right's descriptions of Labor Unions?

I am with you on this one. My husband is a bricklayer and has worked his *** off his entire life. He is anything but lazy or greedy. He stays safe thanks to the union rules as well. My husband also feels exactly the way your father does.

Is it possible to record/dvr with Roku/HuluPlus/Amazon/regular tv without my DirecTV box/dvr?

I am considering switching to Roku/Netflix/Hulu, etc. to save money. The functionality I'm afraid of losing is my DVR-- I watch a lot of shows on NBC that I am often not home for, and would prefer not to watch them all via my laptop (nor HDMI hookup)-- I want them on my tv the same way I've had them available with DVR. Anyone know if or how this is possible?? THANK YOU.

Should true Iranians and Israelis unite?

the palestinan people also had their homelands seized or occupied by blood thirsty "invaders,"

I'm very loud and it makes me look like a fool sometimes. Should I just stop talking?

Well I do think that loud people are really obnoxious, but you know what who cares if you like to joke around than joke around, but maybe do it at the right times. Don't stop talking now THAT would be stupid I guess just tone it down around others, but when you're around the right people be yourself.

37wks 3days pregnant low back pain?

Ok I'm having really really bad lower back pain like a dull pain and its constint and I'm having low abdomin pain only every like 10 to 15 mins...and everytime I feel the abdomin pain the baby moves and it hurts...I cannot get comfterbal no mater how I lay only standing up...and even its uncomfterbal...should I call the dr or just go to the hospital or am I just over reacting...this is my first pregnancy...and I'm peeing every 3 mins

What to do for an iPod hookup for my car ?

I have a 2004 Pontiac grand prix gtp and I need a great sounding iPod adapter for it. I'm getting a sub installed soon and was thinking about a cd deck but my dad won't let me because I have a funky console that has my air controls on there and it has a cd changer that I need to keep so we dont know how to get a deck or an iPod adapter mixed in there. Like I said it's a 2004 grand prix gtp so is there an iPod adapter without a new cd deck I can get or a good way to get a cd deck with spot for my air controls and a cd changer ? Thanks for the helps guys ! Any good answers are appreciated not dumb comments tho thanks everybody !!!

Where do me and my bisexual friend go from here? -were 14.?

There's no reason why you two can't be with eachother. It doesn't matter if y'all aren't going to the same school, you can still be with her. Do you two live close? Do you talk on Facebook? It seems like she's interested in you enough.

How can I make my BF understand my social anxiety?

Honestly i have been reading so much about anxiety all over the computer lately because i just started suffering with it, but mine is general anxiety so its not only in social situations. There are so many websites and testimonials on the internet that you could read over with him of people who are really good at explaining exactly what it feels like and what they are going through. It would be good for you to read together. He will never understand because he doesn't feel it, but you can help him get to the point of excepting it. My boyfriend doesn't understand because he has never had these feelings before, he is so confused by it, but he totally excepts it and supports me completely in any situation im stuck in when i get anxiety. As long as he's willing to try to understand, then he is already on his way. If he says he want to do anything he can for you then he sounds like a good guy, just give him some time and like i said read up on it. Just type in Social anxiety in the search engine and so much will pop up. Sounds like he loves you behind all the frustration. God Bless you both.

Ignoring: shy or just not into you?

If a guy shows the initiative of liking you in the first place (by staring into your eyes, several times, and posting about you on FB) then when you try to contact him more often, if he tends to be tentative, is it because he is shy or he isn't really into me? P.S. We talked for a short time and then it stopped, but it wasn't like the candle was so strong it burnt out. Maybe I'm over reacting, but if a guy shows a strong interest in you in the first place, does that interest stay for a long time or die shortly?

A poem about a man who had it all and lost it. Would you critique or leave comments please?

Beautiful poem, I myself write poems and I felt that was an inspirational poem because it's like a tap on the shoulder to reality reminding people not to take thing or people for gran-net. For the simple fact it can be gone with a snap of a finger; although he did wrong he should still be cherished in peoples hearts.

Is immigration reform the new Civil Rights Movement?

OMG if I was an African American I would be offended.MLK was a man that wanted his people to be treated equally as Americans.He would not, I don't think approve of people jumping the border and getting a hand out on hard working Americans back.This is just another way that illegals try to justify their not coming here the legal way..Im glad they where arrested,now they need to be deported.

How do you think Nappa and Vegeta would've reacted if they had met Bardock?

Considering how they were all shocked when Goku's power level was over 8000 (Manga, dudes), and Bardock had a power level close to 10,000.

Are gays aware that Gay Pride Parades make them look bad?

I am very aware of it and I would never attend one. I am too shy to act like that in public and I don't think it's appropriate either. Public displays of affection are annoying in general. I'm sure there are some good people that go to them, but I don't want to find out. The kind of protests I was referring to earlier were not pride parades. I was talking about protests like where the Westboro Baptist Church was protesting the court house when the perps were on trial. Gay Pride Parades are gross. Just saying.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Does my friend like me more than a friend?

probably likes you. happened to me and i've been with my boyfriend for almost a year and a half now <3 buck up and just tell him, and he'll confess! or you know you could just always kiss him when you're alone. then he would break.

Girls - My ex wants me back, how should I react?

Some ways yes, Some ways no. I don;t really think you should get back together. The reason being because if it was bad enough to break up in the first place then it won't change. All things happen for a reason and I don't think it is going to work out. You need to just tell her that it wasn't working out and that she has great qualities that the next guy will love. But if you do choose her....then that's your choice. Good luck:)

My Xbox 360 has problems with MWII!!!?

My Xbox 360 is the new minute, black version (though I remember not the model's title). I purchased it last fall (2010) and it has been running pretty smoothly. But suddenly, when I was playing Modern Warfare II, in the middle of online play, an Xbox sign came up informing me that the disk could not be read, that I should check the disk for scratches and/or restart the Xbox 360. Well, I checked the disk and it is as clean as a cut diamond. I restarted the Xbox 360 and tried to the play the game again; about ten or twenty minutes into online play the same thing occurred. This plight has interrupted perfectly fine gameplay three or four times within a few hours of nightly gameplay at random occasions - even once I played for a whole our after the third time it occurred without any problems. Obviously the disk is fine, and the game plays fine! So what is the problem?

How to tell your parents you have your very first boyfriend?

haha i wouldn't be worried at all..if you say its not a big deal to them then just tell them now! its not like you're gonna do anything wrong with him anyway... keeping it a secret until it gets more serious wouldn't be a bad thing either...i'd be nervous to tell my parents i was dating the baddest guy with the worse reputation but you have NOTHING to worry about!! good luck!

Will he think I'm just a hookup?

So this guy asked me if I was a virgin AND if I've ever given head, ALL within the first few days of meeting him. I've been single for awhile and I kind of DO want someone to be there for me. He doesn't strike me as the boyfriend type but I kind of still want to ask him to hang out just to test the waters. Basically I was going to ask him to hang out in the evening and then just wait for him to call me afterwards. If he doesn't call after 3 days I won't speak to him again. Should I think like this? Should I even ask him to hang out? Btw I'm 19 and he's 21.

Ramadan. Why is the Muslim Ummah silent on atrocities in Baluchistan?

There are so many reputable Documentries shown by BBC and other Good TV channels, but you never hear any thing from the Ummah depolring the plight of fellow Muslims!

How To Hookup PS3 To A Different TV?

My living room tv supports 3D, my bedroom does not. I bought spare hdmi & power cables for the ps3 in hopes that I could simply unplug it and bring it in the bedroom to watch netflix on occassion. But, I try to boot up & it says that it's an unsupported format (duh). So the only thing I can see is that I would have to physically change the resolution before disconnecting, then reconnect in bedroom & also change it from wired lan to wireless. There's gotta be an easier solution than this right? Maybe even not using the hdmi, would that force the ps3 to change at startup, use the Pbr instead.

How would you rank who is most guilty?

The mad man is a killer, so he's most guilty. That stupid chick went on the bridge, knowing it was a suicide mission, so she's also an idiot. I hold no one else responsible. This whole thing is stupid. I see this in real life all the time and it's not THAT urgent for the wife to meet the husband.

I don't want to live forever in heaven?

Since you don't want to go to heaven then hell is your destination, BTW, eternity will be here on this earth, & hell & the lake of fire will cease to exist after it has served it's purpose.

Is this updated parable an accurate look at our present situation in the USA?

Yes. Very much so. Another comparison is "The Little Red Hen" Where nobody wanted to plant, reap, thresh or grind the wheat but they wanted the fresh bread. the Little Red Hen said she would eat it herself. I love it.

How would Americans react if 11,000,000 illegals were legalized?

Would there be uproar or a civil war or would there be peace and acceptance. Just wanting your opinion on it. And if there is legalization will the Hispanics take over policy making through sheer numbers? Do you think amnesty and legalization is out of the question with a republican congress. Thanks.

Is CM, Mr Karuna’s concern over EC's actions as hindering the general public & traders in particular, honest?

It is outburst of his nervous state of Mind.Now Dr.Kalignar is aware of the inconvenience caused to public.His party men have caused a lot inconvenience to the innocent people almost in every day through various birth day celebration of his family members,procession in praise of his freebies,to mark the opening of drainage,public toilet,fixing of Tamil names in the street etc etc.What did he do at that time?

My 3 year old is getting his front teeth pulled in 1 week help!?

my son has had asthma since he was born and been on a nebalizer sinc 8 months old they rotted his teeth in the front(wanst told to wash his mouth out after each treatment until it was to late) AND HE is on other medications that just plain isnt good for teeth well he has a baby root canel and has porclin teeth put in and the ablity of the root canel working is very slim compared to a adult root canel its been 3 months and he still has infection and was told to remove his 2 front teeth it was hard making it threw the baby root canel and alot os $$$ as well the 1000.00 porclin teeth now have to be pulled and more money. but my main concern is the pain im scared for him he is getting the loopy drink and he was soooooo tramatized threw the root canel and i wasnt allowed in the room. im scared he will be made fun of for his front teeth appernce. and scared he will be in pain and be confused im not sure what to think. but his appointment is for 7./12/11 and he has to have it done or it will effect his other teeth im very bad at worrie everything little turns in to death to me please help me claim downplease n thanks and how did u child react to this?

Is this an attempt at a hookup, or just a friendly gesture?

In my freshman year of high school I had a hopeless crush on an junior. He knew I liked him, and was always super nice about it, but in my sophomore year he started dating someone else and I got over him (we remained friendly). By my junior year I'd completely moved on, since he had gone off to college. I just finished my freshman year of college (his junior year) and we recently saw each other again at our high school's graduation. I was dressed well enough to catch a few eyes, and today I got a Facebook message from the guy I liked, in which he gave me his phone number and told me to call him so we could eat lunch and "catch up or whatever". I certainly don't want to read into this too much. He could, after all, just want to eat lunch (which I'd be totally fine with). He could also want a summer hookup, which I'm also kinda fine with. My only concern is that if it's the latter, it would be VERY awkward. Am I overanalyzing this? I've moved on, but we're both home from college for the summer, so a little fling certainly wouldn't be a bad thing.

Where do you find poetry? c/c?

Yowee this is a way cool piece and I'm not tryin to be flip. I think this was well nurtured and attended to as it bloomed. and I have missed a lot of yours lately.

Are you sympathetic towards the plight of the Palestinians?

Yes very - but I don't know the solution. Unless they agree to integrate peacefully which seems an impossibility,

Would it be sexist of me if I use the Lilith myth for a story?

From what I know about the Lilith mytholgies, you keep creative without going too far off the basics of the mythology. I don't think it's sexist. But then again, even though I'm a woman, I don't sympathize very much with the feminist movement. (It's nothing but a crutch to feminism.) Maybe that's why this book appeals to me.

Can you please answer these questions? (English grammar)0?

All 5 of these are painfully easy, the answers are obvious. I think you should at least try and do this homework yourself.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

First gay hookup for me. Ummm help?

I hooked up with this guy I know and while it was fun and all, I found some parts kinda awkward. is this normal for first time? that was like a month ago and since then I'm wanting to do that stuff with him again since I feel more comfortable. like I do want to hook up again. but was that normalfor first time to feel like u kinda wanted outta there after? I felt nervous, didn't know where to put my hands when making out, but now I feel more comfortable and want more.

Should i quit my job?

ok heres a quick background of my situation. i work at my uncles dental office and i have been since i was 14 so 7 years now and i love my job. well 2 days ago while working with my cousin (his daughter) she came running back to me in tears because she saw one of the girls we work with caressing his arm while he was working on her teeth. so i calmed her down and talked to the office manager about it who happens to be my mom. she said lets just keep a close eye on them and see what happens. so i guess later that night my cousin confronted her father about what happened and his wife overheard and a huge fight broke out. my uncle was pissed and said it was MY fault that all this happened and i probably told his daughter to say what she did.. BUT I DIDNT!!! so now he says that me and my cousin are not allowed to work together anymore because we are trouble makers and he cut my hours down in half! i am not a trouble maker and i didnt do what he says. now i'm pissed and i want to quit my job. am i wrong? what should i do? should i quit like i want to or am i over reacting?

Am trying to move out from parents house help?

You're an adult now and if you're able to move out, just go get a place and move out. Tell your parents you love them but you're old enough and mature enough to take care of yourself. If they try to guilt-trip you, just ignore it. You can't live with them your whole life just because they don't want you to grow up. When you move out they'll eventually get over it.

I have hdmi hookups on my pc & my tv ... is it worth hooking up tv as monitor?

Would hooking my tower up to my television be worth it? I would have to run an hdmi cable across the room. I already stream netflicks and amazon on demand. Would I be able to play pc games and stuff like that? Is the resolution crappy using a television as a monitor?

What do you think of this mythical Lilith Character story?

In mythology, lilith was adams first wife. However, when Adam denied her pleasures of the flesh, she turned to a more "beastial" type. Lilith began sleeping with animals. Among her travels with goats she found a demon, Azazel. She slept with hip and he made her his queen. Whilst queen of goat demons she slept with the archangel, Raphael. Raphael fell in love with Lilith and set out to kill her husband. Raphael battled Azazel and bested him. He burried Azazel in the earth until judgement day. When Raphael discoverd Liliths dirty secret about being a demon queen, he cast her to hell.

Was this a good thing to say or ?

You probably just caught him off guard with sayin that last part of it. and he's probably thinkin it over on what to say to it.

Will my old house stereo speakers work with new reciever?

I have a 15 year old Fisher house stereo that still sounds brand new, its got 2 speaker towers with 1 15" sub a 5" tweet and 3" tweet in each tower, thing is the receiver in the stereo works great pushing 240 Watts, but the 24 disc CD carousel doesn't and hasn't worked right for years, and the the model only has 1 input with RCA jacks on the back, if I got a new receiver that they call home theaters now would it run the speakers properly cause each speaker tower has only 1 wire hookup but its old school without rca's just wire, and I want a receiver I can run all kinds of components through, thankyou

Was I sexually abused when I was younger?

I'm 13, so is this other boy, he always flirts with me, then he kissed me on the cheek which kinda got me freaked out a bit but I ignored it. Later he was grabbing me and holding me against him (He usually does that, I think hes just being stupid) But this time he tried to kiss me on the lips, then suddenly everything kinda went darker and I saw black stuff and the edges of my vision, and I got really scared he was trying to kiss me, and I started struggling and when he didn't let go (He probably just thought I was playing around) I completely freaked out, attacked him, then I ran away... I felt like that has happened to me before and something very bad happened, I've heard that sometimes the brain hides bad memories... Or maybe I'm just over reacting?

Was she into me? I need advice!?

I kno this is long, just read! So me and my cousins go to a camp ground same time each year. Two years ago, we met these 3 girls, one 12, one 14, and one 15. I was 13, and my 2 guy cousins were with me. Each night we all hung out, but she, the 14 y/o, didnt pay too much attention to me. Last year, we went and things were different. When ever she saw me shed yel and run up and hug me. Wed talk ALOT and shed laugh with me. She txtd me in the midd of the night to talk to me, even though we were at the same place just at different sites.One nite we wer all hangin out, and me and her walkd over to the park down the road at lik 10. I sat on one of the swings, and instead of taking one of the 3 available ones, she sat on my lap and leaned on me and we talked. The next day my cuz, who had his license, drove us up to a bridge to jump off of into the water. When we got there, the 3 girls wer ther. Before i jumpd, she was lik wait ill go with u, and we stood on the railing, and she took my hand, and we jumpd the 10-15 foot drop, wen we wer treding water she put her arms around me wen no one cud see us under the bridge and we just lookd at eachother. Later that night, our second to last nite, the group of us wer all at the basketball court at lik 10:30, just sitting on the benches. At this point, evrone was in hookups xcept us 2. They wer all doin ther thing, while we just sat and talkd. At one point her frend calld me over and was lik "make a move alredy and kiss her, uv had so many opportunities" but she overherd and freekd out at her frend sso i think she didnt want to. The last nite it startd akward, but we got comfortable agen and wer talking. She had to leev early in the mornin, so her mom calld and told her to come to her site. She told me to walk with her. She held my hand. Wen we got at her site, we huggd, thats it. Im goin bak, will she be and was she interested? Did i miss my chances? Was she just friendly or did she like me? Shes now 16 and im 15. Please, advice?!

Did this woman at the grocery try hookup with me?

OMG i just posted up a question about approaching men and what thy thought about women who approached them and she was obviously the one who initiated conversation with u so yup she was hitting on you!!!! Why dont men read the little signals we give them ? heh? i mean we look at them, stare, smile sometimes BUT EYE CONTACT IS THE MAIN ONE) so why, do you guys take so long to make a move? okay so back to the lady, she could have asked any other women right? or like u said an employee but she chose you because she wanted your attention!!! okay so next time you want a chicks digits just be normal and dont try hollering at her like you some kind of cat daddy and be a cool normal guy. Start a conversation and it does not have to seem like you are hitting on her it can be on the weather for example or compliment her and then read the signs she give, and her body language and from their you should tell if shes interested or not :) Hope i helped

My ex-boyfriend and close guy friend are good friends recently?

im not exactly sure of the advice ur seeking to what is ur question?? It just seems like a bunch of drama and what a teenage life is...dramatic lol:D

Need to find a poster?

Why not just go back and take a picture of that poster with your camera? It will probably take you a LONG time to find it on the internet, if it's even on there.

Starting horse riding lessons again, and I have some worries?

when horses sense that your are scared/nervous they pick up on it and it unsettles them which probably results in the falls !!! .. stay calm ... you will be fine

Why do we men attach so much importance to getting laid or getting a girlfriend?

I agree with you 100%. Unfortunately, most men are not like you and I. They believe that they must have sex as soon as possible, and/or as much as possible in order to appear "manly". They are very quick to adhere to some of the dumber constructs that our society creates. You have a good head on your shoulders. Keep doing what you're doing.

Am I a whore???????????????

I'm not gonna judge you, but that seems quite mature and physical for your age. Also, its not like you were intimate with just one guy who was your bf. I would slow down, girl :) You'll have plenty of tiem for that stuff in the future.

My older italian greyhound doesn't get along with new puppy?

So I've had my italian greyhound Thunder for 9 years. She's a female, and we also have another italian greyhound thats around 7 years old, and a male. We bought a new italian greyhound puppy today and she gets along really well with the male (Lightning) but everytime she tries to make friends or get close to Thunder, Thunder growls and snaps at her making her cowar away. Is this a normal behavior between same-sex italian greyhounds? or do I need behavioral training with Thunder? any tips? should i react a certain way when Thunder snaps at her or should I let it play its coarse? I want to do the right thing here for both my old dog as well as my new one. PLEASE HELP!!

Are any other African-American Women sick-and-tired of depressing movies about black women?

Most movies are made about White people (to the Whites here) so having some pop up that make White people seem sad doesn't really do much at all, but its like every "Black" movie is always stereotypical and so depressing (or a comedy about hardship)! Black girls are always shown as so sad or having to deal with soooooooooooooo much, and how sad our lives are and how hard it all is, and how Black men treat us just ohhhh so bad and blah blah blah. Most Black people aren't so dramatic. I've never lived out any moment that belongs in a Tyler Perry movie. I don't like "Black movies", I like foreign movies a lot though. Nollywood has some nice movies imo.

In the Hunger Games... (spoilers)?

Because then the games would have just been a waste. The Capitol didn't want to look stupid and have no winner. People probably would not like the Capitol for killing both of the 'star crossed lovers'. It is not like Katniss did the berry thing for rebellion, she did it because she would not kill Peeta.

What do you think is the best website for this?

Well this is not a online dating site do dont even think that. We answer and ask question here! And if you go to far your yahoo email will get suspended meaning deleted! Good Luck and Welcome!

PLEASE HELP: Taurus' especially Did this taurus like me?

i dont even need to read all that to say yes. my bf is a taurus and ive dated him for 4 years but im a pisces. but hes very very compatible with virgo. so you might have a chance. it was probably love at first sight. read the astrology between you too.

My grandma (who has multiple Phd's) told me that religion is the plight of all mankind. Is she correct?

Largely so. Marx said "religion is the opiate of the masses" and some people are downright hooked on it. For many, it is plight.

Random hookup advice...?

Theres this kid who is absolutely gorgeous. He texted me to hang out next weekend and his friends told me he definitly wants to hook up. The thing is he is an absolute man whore. Hahah he has a disgusting reputation because all he does is hook up and f*ck random girls. Even though hes so hot hes gross because of all the girls hes been with. I know my limits and would stop when i want to with him but can someobe gove me an honest opinion of what you would do in my situation. Thanksss

What should i do? help please!?

my friend has been wanting to hookup witht his guy for a while but he seems to be interested in me, not her and im somewhat interested back. Should i go for it? or just ignore him?

Which ideology is more favorable to the nuclear family?

The conservative ideology that encourages hardwork and charity, not couch potatoes and something for nothing idiocy.

Why would a hook up stay a secret?

When you hookup with someone and they don't want people to know, why would they want to keep it a secret? Is it because they think they're too good for you? Or is because they don't want people talking about it and blah blah? Like what's the point of don't kiss and tell?

Sorta confused what this guy ment help !?

this guy is looking for nothing more than a one night stand. its as clear as day. i honestly suggest staying away, not just because he wants to use you bu because he if he does this with everyone then he has to tove at least one Std. just saying

What should I do about this?

Okay so I know this girl who I'm starting to really like. We've been texting and talking and she tells me that she wants to hookup and I think she likes me. Last night we were at a party I got a bit drunk and we madeout (she was sober). The next morning she told me all the stuff I was saying and it seemed to be going over really well. However today when i hungout with her she didnt pay much attention to me and hungout with my other friends. We haven't talked since (one day ago) and i feel like i should wait until she starts the conversation. What do you guys think?

I think I may be over reacting, but I am a little worried should I be?

I haven't had my period in a year and I recently had sex, now I am cramping real bad and spotting should I be worried about anything?

Would ALL cats react bad to the arrival of another cat?

My cat used to meow and rub my computer if i was watching like cats on youtube but when i got my 2nd cat they hated each other for like a month or two now they are cuddled up on my bed sleeping together

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I ask my boyfriend if he was cheating on me again and he got mad and flip out wat dat mean?

Is his reaction mean his guilty, he cheated on me about 2 years ago and we broke up cause i couldnt take his lies anymore a year went by nd we got back together he cried ask to give him another chance learn da error in his way nd took mi for granted .. We live together now , i never fullt forgave him jus choose to forget it yesterday i just playfuly asked him why he dnt call mi on his break nd he said he jus eatin and socializin wit coworkers , which i get, but i said oh is it cause u busy wit ur lovers ... Dnt member wat he said... So i ask again jus ask him if he had any lovers nd he said no , ting is he never made eye contact, he jus kept tryin to change subject... Than he got annoyed nd said no dat he only wanted to be wit me.. I got a lil upset nd stay dat way on da ride home .. I jus stayed quiet... We got home .. We were changing nd he was tryin to be playful but i said no nd jus called him a meanie nd he said why wat did i do wrong nd i said everything nd he jus blow up , again we were being playfuly jus a min ago. He said it not my fault that im insecure nd this jealousy gotta stop ... Nd throw wat he bought on da floor , he was pissed ... I saod i was playing nd he said dat my **** is gettin old.... We been together 3 months since we broke up last year on april ... Dis is da first time i questioned him.. Wen were together b4 i would ask em all da time nd he say no but he really did..... I got kicked outa my house for dating him dat da only reason we living together.... He stayed mad all night till i went down at 1am to get him to come up ..... Im depressed like **** i didnt sleep all nite ... Im tryin to understand wat happen nd why he reacted so big.... I feel it in my heart that he is betrayin me ..... Am i being a ***** for questioning him??? Well i told im jus guna move out and he made dat " im holding back da tears look" said he loved mi to death nd dat he thought i was tryin to work tis realtionship out by forgeting da past...... I told him i can.

Advice on hooking up with girls?

Give the drunk hotties the "seduction look." I've been given it by a girl or two, and MAN was it hard to resist, ;) If you don't know what it is, look it up on like google or something' And I was sober on the looks.

Should the military enforce access rights of military fathers on this Fathers Day Weekend?

At the minimum, 40% of divorced and single fathers will not be allowed to see their children this weekend. For active duty military, who have court ordered rights to see their children by video hookup, should the military be willing to send MPs, of some other military representatives to the homes of the mothers as a show of force to encourage them to obey the orders? As the orders are generally unenforceable otherwise, as the courts often will not hold the mothers in contempt, perhaps this might work for good mental health of men in combat zones.

I really just need some advice on this situation! thanks.?

keep seeing him but if you don't want to have sex yet tell him. if he really likes you he will respect it and you can later. if he keeps pressuring for sex after you tell him not yet then move on

Would u take a plane in this condition?

Do as your intuition tells you ! You more than anything should decide what is best for you, not your partner specially if it involves your health.

Would this be better as a rap or a poem?

I would really love it as a rap. Cause it would prob be like the song live your life by T.I and Rihanna. Or pray by JB

Is this slutty or ok?

If I hook up with a guy? Like hook up as in make out and touch w/ clothes on? Btw I'm 19 so it's not like I'm too young. Of course I doubt the guy would like me. I just want to have a hookup buddy.

New relationship, dating advice?

Okay so here’s the story. I've been dating this guy, we're not official and haven't been able to see each other since confessing we liked each other. A year ago, we liked each other and now it seemed like we'd finally get our chance. He just had surgery (why we haven't been able to hang out). Monday, we were supposed to see each other and he didn't get home until a lot later than expected and it became too late for us to do anything, so we agreed to hang out Tuesday, when we would both have more time. After coming to this conclusion, he shortly stopped texting me, I didn't freak, not being clingy, but about 4 hours later I texted him, and didn't get an answer, again. Before going to bed, I asked him where he's been all day, and he replied that he had go to a post op appointment, and had been on meds all day, asleep. He seemed tired but told me he was just "deep in thought" and again, stopped answering. The next day, I didn't wake up to a good morning text or anything. He was in summer school so I just waited til after, still no response, I texted him, this conversation lasted about 5 minutes, and again he stopped answering. He said nothing about our plans for the day, so again, waiting about 4 hours, I texted him asking if we were going out, he never answered and we didn't talk yesterday, at all. To me, the short period of time was just not enough for his feelings to change. Tuesday (when we were supposed to see each other would have also been the 2 year anniversary of him and his ex, so I understand him not wanting to hang out, as it would have been weird for me too. Yesterday was also her birthday (go figure) so again, kind of weird. But today, I want to text him seeing if he answers, but I don't want to seem clingy. So am I over reacting? Should I wait for him to text me? Or should I attempt to talk to him? We were so close to being a couple after all this time..its killing me to even question that this is the end. My plan was to wait a week for him to talk to me and then just give up, but I really hate that option. What do you think I should do?

What do I do with her? Need help!?

I'm not sure if I asked if she still caloni (loved me) or if i asked 'calloni ♥?' but then she said 'I will calloni...:(' and he liked it. I think I asked her again right after the 'I will calloni...:(' the same question or whatever again and she said 'I already told you...' but he didn't like it. I asked her something about the kisses with passion and I think calloni and the cuddle talk and probably when she left hearts and why she said i made her happy and she said 'ahahahahahahah! is john .. I gave you kisses Perugia as in the legend .. but now: (' but I could of just asked about the kisses or kisses and love stuff. She I even think said things will not go back to the way they were when I asked for them to. Her friend that caled me a failure of balls and blocks me on every profile she used to say he is a bit** and to not listen to him. Now she won't even accept a request and I can't call her because I don't know how she will react.

Social networking sites increases our stress levels and make us depressed,What do you say?

I have had a terrible experience in my life,I was a well off brilliant student all my life.But due to certain problems in my family,I was not able to get the 'everyone's dream education'.The worst thing was that when I viewed my friends and others in top positions,I was really sad and depressed.I was thinking all these years about my plight and I didn't move forward in my life.But then I decided that this couldn't go on forever,I deleted my Orkut and Facebook accounts and now I have to say that I am happy and now I see a vast world full of opportunities in front of me.I was sad, depressed with a zero growth in all spheres.Now I look towards my God and now I have moved on, living with peace of mind.I just hate this Orkut and Facebook, It ruined my 4 years and I'm not going to waste even one single minute of mine, never to be a part of them anymore.

10th grade history help?

Wouldn't it just have been easier to read your text book than to type all that? No one is ever going to answer all that.

Poll: Is this how you react when people threaten to call the cops on you?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Me & my friends wanna be on ABDC 7 but are worried that people will say were wanna be iconic Boyz. Any advice?

Were all 11 except for my brother who's 3 & we want to be on ABDC(Americas best dance crew) but don't know how people will react to us. Does anyone gave any suggestions for us? Please!

Current girlfriend hanging with ex girlfriend?

My girlfriend and i have been together for over 2 years now and we also live together. She has a wonderful son who's almost 3. My problem is we also live with her ex girlfriend for over 2 years. I understand that they has this child together and they both want to have him in their lives and im not asking for that to change. But i cant stand that the 2 of them spend every moment possible with each other going to bars hanging out so on and so forth. When i brought it up to my girlfriend it bothered they spent so much time together she said they are friends and that im always right there. Which is true but the problem is even though im right there im cooking or cleaning or they are talking about something they watched together in spanish (which i don't speak) I have tried to get her to move out to a house just a few blocks away but she always says no. My girlfriend owns the place where we stay but her ex girlfriend gets the only say in everything. When my girlfriend bought me a dog the ex said it had to stay in a cage or outside but it wont be running around in the house. She wont even let my brother come over and visit cause she says there's no room and she doesn't want my brother her. The funny thing about this is her 2 twin sister and her 18 year old brother live with us also which make a grand total of 7 people living in a two bedroom trailer. I agree threes not a lot of space but her family could go stay at there house just 15 Min's from here. She has even gone so far as to tell me and my girlfriend that if we want to be intimate with each in our room with the door closed we have to go some where else cause its not fair that we do anything while shes living there. So i guess my question is am i over reacting is it perfectly normally to let your girlfriends ex run everything? We Split the bills i do all the cooking and jayden(the son) is all of our sons. Let it go or walk away?

Where do you find poetry? c/c?

Yowee this is a way cool piece and I'm not tryin to be flip. I think this was well nurtured and attended to as it bloomed. and I have missed a lot of yours lately.

Don’t you think people world over are losing ground in their defense against exploitation by the corporates?

Losing ground? Wrong. Completely lost. Gone. US is owned outright by corporations. Presidents do not get elected without them, same with any national level politician. Once a politician is bought and paid for he/she stays loyal to the masters.

Is my wife over-reacting or was I did really bad?

Im a guy, and im 16 so i might not be all that accurate, but it sounds to me like she got the impression that you were attracted to your sister. I think it's the same concept as if you were cheating.

How many animal species are currently being kept in domestic domestic captivity?

Not being allowed to ever roam on their own (this excludes cats). Several animals, except for nationally protected ones, are existing illegally outside of captivity. Why are more those particular animals undergoining sich a plight? Can we reason, as the more human, less abusive (mostly northern) slave owners did, that they're not suffering ( directly) ? No, they're not slaves, of course not, but WE certianly value our own freedom. Does not a pet...and I keep one myself, kept according to the laws.. posess enough awareness to know when it is being screwed out of its own natural entitlement to freedom? Wouldntyou know? How many species are being passively abused...not by owners, certianly, we do love our pets..but by the laws of an industrial society?

Why didn't he tell me he was gay?

Well, i think you should chill first off. If they want to be together, so be it. You're just going to have to deal with it. Obviously you don't want to lose your friend, or think any different about your brother. Calm down and sit them both down and talk to them. Tell them how it made you feel. Don't bring the 'rents in it. They don't need to hear about this. But just take a breather, and talk it out.

Why should I give any credence to the Right's descriptions of Labor Unions?

I am with you on this one. My husband is a bricklayer and has worked his *** off his entire life. He is anything but lazy or greedy. He stays safe thanks to the union rules as well. My husband also feels exactly the way your father does.

Help! What do I do........? D:?

Today i was home alone and my dog was whining by the door so i took my dog out to go to the bathroom (he was on a leash) and there were little kids outside. I kept him on a tight leash knowthing that he's protective of me. A little boy maybe around 3 years old comes up and tries to pet my dog without asking. My dog responded by snapping at him and he broke his skin. The kid started crying and his mom was flipping out. Then the dad comes down, and I explained how my dog has had all of his shots and how truely sorry I was. They still seemed very tense about it. I thought they were over reacting, but they said they want to talk to my parents when they get back. I'm so scared, what might happen to my dog even though he has had all of his shots?

Can you help me plzzz ( serious answers only)?

this is a long story but here it goes. I am in love with a scorpio ( I am a sagittarius but my moon is scorpio) we met last december at my job and instantly connected....for awhile it was just like hey how are you type thing going on but for some reason we started talking more and became really connected physically and emotionally...eventually we started to hang out and the first night we hung out we were really sweet with each other we help hands and talked and at the end of the night i kissed him and he kissed me back and it was like all that attraction we had for each other just exploded into that makeout session we had.... I started to get feelings for him and he said he didnt want a relationship and he was not compatible with anyone right now so i was like ok then eventually we were friends with benefits but we never had sex just everything else basically for like the nxt 3 months and it wasnt just a physically connection between us it was emotionally too it was like we were made for each other we could talk for hour and we were so comfortable with each other after awhile even though he said he didnt want a relationship I knew he had feelings for me i saw it in his eyes and how he would act around me especially when I was around other guys he would always give me compliments and stare at me and touch me in lil ways at work when we were together we were all over each other. He always would be hot and cold with me though the more i pushed the more he pulled away then when i would pull away he would push it went on like this for a awhile then one day I could not take it anymore i told him how i felt about him and he said we should stop and be platonic and not hangout for awhile because he did not want to hurt me he said i was special and he would be upset with himself if i was hurt because of him...well some how or another we hung out the next day but with some other people and it was really awkward between us but later on that night we all went to a hookah bar and me and him started talking and then he txt me did i want to make out outside and i was like sure and it was amazing well after that night were continued doing what we were doing then at one piont he became distant from me and for awhile we didnt see each other plus i went on vacation but shortly after we saw each other and hung out then like he quit his job and was trying to get a new one and he asked me could i talk to my boss and i did but for some reason he could not work with me so eventually he got a new job.....well he started becoming distant again and the last time we hung out he acted like we were just friends nothing else i usually play with his ear and stuff to see if he would react to it but he just rubbed my arm then we got on the subject on relationships and he was telling me about this girl at his job that he liked andit broke my heart on top of that he was asking me for advice i was there for him but it got to the piont where i had to go home because i was in so much pain well when he dropped me off he gave me this long tight hug and rested his head on my shoulder....the next day i told him i liked him stilled and wanted to be with him and he was like what ahve i been telling you i dont want a relationship and basically he told me he did all those things with me because he was attracted to me i was cozy and he felt comfortable with talked later on that night and he said he cares about me alot and he sees me as a really true honest best friend and we wouldnt last as a couple i was soo hurt i said well i still want to be friends but its gonna be awhile until i can accept it he said ok and that he believed in me and that i could get through this well the nxt day i was miserable and called him all crying and stuff and told him i do not think we should be friends because i dont think i can be with him...he was upset and was like you dont listen and all this other stuff... he then said i will always be here when you are ready to be friends just call me.. well for some reason that night i called a psychic (plz dont laugh at me) and he was very straight but compassionate towards me he told me alot of stuff but basically he said that he loved me but he has been hurt badly in the past and he didnt want a relationship because he thinks eventually i will leave him. He told me it would take awhile before he would tell me his feelings and we would be together and i would have to be patient and i asked him about the girl he was talking abouyt and he said he was jus trying to distant himself from you he dosent want to get hurt....he said we will always be more then friends and usually i would be skeptically but the psychic knew things that i didnt event tell him he it was wierd because i didnt think he would tell know stuff about me and the guy or who the guy is unless i told him...i called him the next day and apologize now we are friends but idk if i can just be his friend especially if that psychic is tell me the truth what should i do?

GUYS ONLY!!!how would you react/feel if your girlfriend kissed you for the first time. ?

Well my boyfriend and I have talked and we are both ready but we still haven't kissed (btw we are 13) so should I make you first move???? And what IF it's awkward after??

Do liberals live in a fantasy universe where good is evil and evil is good?

Apparently you live in a fantasy world where CONnies have maintained some sliver of sanity and relevance. Time to wake up and see the real world.

I'm very loud and it makes me look like a fool sometimes. Should I just stop talking?

Where I live, people would find what you said hilarious, no joke! I don't know where you live but maybe relocate? The people around you just might not be right for you... maybe.

An unsympathetic friend says God is punishing me. Should I end this friendship for religious differences?

She's not being a friend to you, so she doesn't deserve your friendship. Don't make a big fuss about it. just stop talking. Reply one word texts.

Anyone Suffering from Chronic Hives?

This is actually going to be some advice for those people who have suffered with chronic hives for a long time. I had (idiopathic urticaria) hives with no known cause for over 2 years. I lived off of antihistimines and steroids(medrol dose packs and prednisone) and was in and out of the emergency room when I had outbreaks all over my body. I had been given the run around by all types of drs. And I was even given meds for what they believed was a stress disorder. I even had a blood test done for allergies but everything came back fine. I was unable to get the skin test because they ask you to come off of your medications for like a week before the test. And there was no way i could. I had to work and go to school. If i did that I'd look like a monster. But I eventually found a good ENDOCHRINOLOGIST and they found that i have hyperthyroidism/GRAVES DISEASE and the way that my body reacted to the disruption in my thyroid function was externally through hives. I had a blood test at this physicians office and they confirmed that the thyroid levels were too high and put me on Methimazole to help slow down thyroid hormone production. I slowly took myself off of the antihistimines and am taking only the methimazole now. I have been taking the medicine only a month or so and feel much better in some ways. I still feel tired and have a very hard time keeping weight on, but at this point i am not having to worry about hives. I just hope that someone who has the same problem will read this and find some hope here. Don't let a dr tell you that nothing is wrong with you. You know your body best and you know when something is wrong. I went through countless dr's and missed opportunities because of what I was suffering with, with no answers. Dont lose hope and keep looking until you get help.

What is the right punctuation to use here? Hope native English speakers help?

Some people feel dejected and give up in the face of difficulties, while others choose to blame others for their plight.

Why wouldn't he want to stay in contact/hook up with me again?

It's almost like a one night stand so let it go unless u rlly have feelings for him then tell him how u feel

What do yall think of this poem (please ead the short paragraph before the poem)?

No hun i would not mind reading yours you read mine i am going to return the favor, so i think its an amzing poem i love it it sends a great message. i think you have amazing talent in writing keep it up dear you never know who you inspire along the way.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Dating / relationships in college?

dont worry u can meet guys anywhere you know we boys are so talented in finding girls boys can go anywhere to meet girls so its not your'll yourself find yourself surrounded with boys if you qualify for our standards...gud luck..

What's it like being an atheist?

I know what it's like for me to be an atheist... But I'm curious if it is similar to other experiences with being an atheist. A bonus part of the question would be how other people react when you tell them you are atheist.

How would you react if you got a kiss by one of your coworkers or classmates?

Depends on the kiss , was it a sexy kiss or a casual kiss , if any tongue was involved I think they like you.

How woul you feel/react if you were eminems dad?

ok so in alot of eminems songs he talks shi t about his dad and how much he hates him. how would you feel if you were his dad. and eminem still hasnt ever met his dad

While cleaning the battery posts and the terminals I noticed a slight spark when I returned the hookup. My?

question is that should there be a slight drain on most of these newer computer controlled cars as a normal thing? It is a 2005 sentra. In the past as I recall going back to model 'A' Fords and 1948 chevrolets there should not be a steady drain with everything off. The 48 chevy had an electric clock that only drew off a small insignificant amount of battery, I disconnected it as it never kept time anyway. Also as the hood was in the 'up' position I checked for a trouble light as well as any door ajar.

Reason enough to be in a fight?

My best friend mentioned to me a month or two back that she met this new guy and thought he was cute and they flirted. They only hungout once, and weren't planning to get together. She is interested in another guy shes been hanging out with, and didn't have feelings for him (guy she thought was cute) at all. A few days ago, we were at a party and one thing lead to another and I ended up hooking up with the same guy she had met once. (They weren't interacting at all at the party) I went to the river near the house with another friend and the guy and another guy, leaving my best friend with some other friends but said we would come back shortly. She left the party crying and drunk.......and is upset with me. What do I do? We're young and hookups don't really mean much and if the situation was reversed I'd be jealous and jokingly be upset but it really isn't a big deal...

Why do people get upset when their Dog dies?

I hope you get hit by a car and die tomorrow and if you don't I'm gonna strangle you with barbed wire in your sleep :)

Discuss the plight of the jews.?

The Bible does tell that the Jews were well received in ancient Egypt being royal family. The Bible does not tell us what happened that they ended up as slaves of Egypt. They left Egypt. They were taken many times in early ancient times as slaves by other countries yet when Rome took control of them under Roman protection, they were not happy. They drove off Rome. Later they themselves were driven off. They went to Europe and by strange events (who would think that someone like Hitler could exist in the 20th century Europe) again were driven off. They returned and have a bad situation again. Karma has two sides-yin and yang. Yin (an eye for an eye) and Yang (turn the other cheek). They are off balance. That is what Jesus was trying to tell them.

Please answer; player boy quistion ten points?

concentrate on other things, only time helps with forgetting. until then just fill your life with things worthwhile and that you enjoy, before you know it he will have been left behind. its what usually happens.

Asperger's Syndrome or just different?

My suggestion is to contact one of the autism groups nearby (Aspeger's is a mild form of autism). They can guide you about getting tested, treatment, etc. They tend to be pretty proactive and should be helpful no matter how it turns out. In my lowly opinion, it does sound like a likelihood. And, for your information, people with autism, especially Aspeger's, tend to be above average in intelligence. Thought I would give you a positive to consider.)

What to do about a clingy friend/ Am I over-reacting?

Maybe it's time to not be friends with her anymore. Don't give her anymore advice if she won't take it, it's a waste of your time. Just tell her you are not concerned about her problems when you have more things on your mind, like your medical problems. I don't think she is a good friend and I think you should cut her loose.

My dog is limping,but i cant find anything wrong?

my dog is limping and i looked over his paw(s) (all 4) and i didn't see anything wrong so i watched him closer and found it was his left front leg so i checked the paw again, same thing nothing wrong, so then i checked his leg, putting pressure on various points he didn't react so i moved his leg around and lightly stretched it out, but he didn't react, but he's still limping and when he stands he either holds his paw up or stands on his tippie toes. what could be wrong with him, and what should i do?

Is my boyfriend

I saw on his url that he looked at gay porn.....idk if he did it jokingly or wat? Idk. How 2 react 2 this??

Do I have a right to be upset? 10 POINTS!!!!!....?

Me and my boyfriend do smoke mary j. One night I was going to go out with a friend and smoke with her. He was working that night so he couldn't join. I told him what I was going to do and he asked me to stop smoking because he wants to stop completely. So I told him I will do what I can to help him, so I gave him my word that I wouldn't smoke, I was happy for him that he didn't want to smoke anymore. So that night I stayed home. All night. I would've gone out, but I didn't for him. He texts me about 1 in the morning telling me he is home from work and he just got done smoking with a co worker. I was furious. We were fighting over text and he kept acting like it was nothing. And told me to let it go. I should be upset right? A part of me feels like I am over reacting, but another says I have every right. This all happened last night. He fell asleep in the middle of the argument and it's morning and he still hasn't text back or anything. He works in the morning so I know he is awake. What do I do?

How do I connect to Xbox 360 Live?

I would like to use xbox 360 live. The xbox is connected to my tv and it has digital cable. My pc has its own cable hookup and has an ethernet connection. The problem is that they are in separate rooms. What kind of hardware do I need to play?

What should i do? help please!?

so there are these two guys, we shall call them jake and cole. I hooked up with jake once when i was really drunk . anyways, cole also seems to be interested in me but my friend wants to hookup with him... so i cant do anything :/ jake is being a really immature *** about everything.. he keeps telling cole that nobody likes him and to not come in-between me and him.... so last friday we all hung out along with a bunch of people and i ignored jake the entire time when he tried to talk to me ... he ended up hooking up with my other friend even though he sais she looked like an oopma loopa before?.. asshole . Cole came later and was all cuddly but i tried my best to ignore him for my friends sake. later that night jake texted( i never gave him my number) me and was extremely desperate to hang out... i just ignored it. They are all coming to my house on friday( along wiht a bunch of people) i really dont know what to do at this point because i feel like im ruining a friendship between cole and jake and even though i would like to go for cole, my friend want to as well . what should i do?

How do i get disk (E) or (F) working again?

The fact that it is a library computer means you have no control over how it is being used or how often it gets rebooted. Usually a reboot is all that is needed but the library could be trying out some blocking software that will not permit uploads of that nature.

Did she like me? My family and cousins and i always go to this campground the same week each year in maine,?

and we see the same people each year. Two years ago, we met this group of people, 3 girls, one 12, one 14, and ond 15. I was 13, and my 2 guy cousins and frienda were with us. Each night we all hung out, but she, the 14 y/o, didnt pay too much attention to me. Last year, we went, each of us 1 year older obviously, and things were different. When ever she saw me shed say my name and run up and hug me. Wed talk ALOT and shed laugh with me. She txtd me in the midd of the night to talk to me, even though we were at the same place just at different sites.One night we wer hangin out, the group of us, and me and her walkd over to the park down the road at lik 10. I sat on one of the swings, and instead of taking one of the 3 available ones, she sat on my lap and leaned on me and we talked. The next day my cuz, who had his license, drove us up to a bridge to jump off of into the water. When we got there, she and her friends wer alredy ther, we decided to invite them earliar. Before i jumpd, she was lik wait ill go with u, and we stood on the railing, and she took my hand, and we jumpd the 10-15 foot drop, wen we wer treding water she put her arms around me wen no one cud see us under the bridge and we just lookd at eachother. Later that night, our second to last nite, the group of us wer all at the basketball court at lik 10-30, just sitting on the benches.. At this point, evrone was in hookups xcept us 2. They wer all doin ther thing, while we just sat and talkd. At one point her frend calld me over and was lik "make a move alredy and kiss her" but she overherd and freek out at her frend sso i think she didnt want to. The last nite it startd akward, but we got comfortable agen and wer talking. She had to leev early in the mornin, so her mom calld and told her to come to her site. She told me to walk with her. She held my hand. Wen we got at her site, we huggd, thats it. Im goin bak, will she be interested? Was she last yeer? Help, and shes 1 yeer older, if it maks a diff.

Should i let my friends talk me out of a random hookup?

My first instinct would be too hook up with this kid i know because hes gorgeous. But my closest friends are telling me to not hook up with him ecause hes gross and a man whore. Should i listen to them

What's the point of don't kiss and tell?

uhm something like that or he doesnt want you to tell because he probably has other girls that her talks to

What do you guys think of my lyrics?

This song is great, you are an amazing writer! I can't wait to hear this being sung on the radio someday!

How would you react in her situation ?

Sounds like she started to get frustrated towards the end when she was putting on her shoe and he kept running off with them.

How can I tell my parents that I am gay...........................…

My family and I suppose myself are Roman Catholic + I am also 14 years old. I have learned in a class tought by the church that they teach that god doesn't hate gays but doesn't exactly agree with their decissions...somthing like that. But my mom and dad don't agree with homosexuality. And my other brother seems to be the only one who doesn't hate gays but jokes about them sometimes. I don't know how my parents will react if I tell them and I am sooo scared. Please Please help! :'(

Guy never seem to UNDERSTAND!?

im a 16 year old girl and i hang out with 15-18 year olds. whenever i meet a new guy, i want to be their friend...nothing more! but these guys dont get it. they think im into them. its sooo weird!! am i in the wrong, because i text them asking what parties there are tonight or should i make it clear to them that i dont want a hookup.

Are you aware of the plight of Anne the elephant?

She was kept in a British circus and warmed the hearts of children every night. Then she was treated cruelly by her Romanian groom (Romanians have a penchant for cruelty) and at the tired old age of 59 she was rehomed at a safari park. I can't help thinking it would have been kinder to Anne to have her shot by a skilled marksman instead of having to endure all that stress at her age?

My friend is doing 5 years in prison, what are the chances he'll hookup with men there?

Hook up? Are you really THAT naive? Prison rape isn't about dating the nice guy in the next cell block and buying each other drinks and dinner.

What are the effects of men on women?

and visa versa........................and i dont mean litterally like on each other. a woman around a group of men and men around a group of women. how does it change your attitude how do you react do you get that cocky attitude or do you pay no mind

Panorama Undercover Care: The Abuse Exposed What punishment should be metered out to these 'care workers'?

As much as it pains me to say so, not all of Mojo's answer in wrong, the morality in this country is draining away, knife crime, shootings, child abuse, muggings, and I never thought we would have ghettos in the UK. There is something seriously wrong with society today. But we call ourselves a Christian country.

New Wacom Pen Isn't Reacting To Tablet Vise Versa?

Okay. So I just bought a new intuos4 pen for my intuos4 tablet because the last pen was lost. As I try to use it with extreme excitement (YAY!), I find that the pen is unresponsive (BOOO). So, my question is why is it doing this (or not doing this rather), and what can I do to make it function?

I can't get over the way he treated me?

This guy treated me like a hookup, but I never agreed to that. We met through a mutual college friend. Our relationship started out with phone calls that lasted several hours, 3-4 nights a week, and dates every weekend. Dinner, bowling, coffee, etc...he bought me a rose and an ipod shuffle for Valentine's Day, the word "exclusive" was dropped 6 weeks in. I walked away from him, and got back with my ex, then we went out again but this guy didn't want to commit, so I walked away....and he asked for me back (begged really,) anyway..this went on for close to two years...finally he said "I love you," took him a while but he said it. He began introducing me to his seemed to be more serious than ever. But all the while he'd make little quips. For instance, I drive a Mercedes. So he told me that as I was driving away from a house party at his friends' house, they said, "she drives a benz?? marry that *****!" and I was like, "that's disrespectful, would they say that about their girlfriends?" and he basically made a distinction between their "girlfriends" and me...he continued to do this a few more times--act as though his friend's girlfriends were more worthy of respect than me. This guy has a problem with being too blunt..which is weird bc he also lies and "tells ppl what they want to hear"...but why was he so cruel to me in these subtle ways? Anyway, we're done for good..and have been for months...but I just think back on the things he said and I still feel terrible about it.

McCanns: Kate admits depression and that she considered suicide ?

Estafado...blame yesterdays Sun. The Grauniad is just jumping on the bandwagon, but the Sun was the rag which brought the more wide-eyed screaming McCann haters out on to this site.

When is it spring ? A poem dedicated to a poet who loves porches?

Very worthy poem for this moment. I am struggling to come to grips with this. I have been absent from reality again.

Prior to WW2 & 3yrs prior to the Final Solution, how did American Jews know "six million" Jews would be killed?

The 6,000,000 refers to the number of Jews in Eastern and Central Europe - not the total population of Europe. There were Jews in England, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, and others who were not counted within that population figure.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Will he ever want to be with me again?

We broke up a month ago. Last night, he said that he misses me. He doesn't want to be in a commited relationship right now, nor doesn't want a girlfriend right now.& wants to be single for now. He said I can be his girl, but not be official. what does that mean??? and he wants to like talk, hang out, hookup but not have the title. someone please explain all of this to me :(

What do you think? Did I do well on this poem I wrote?

I like it a lot. The poem is good. Just work on making it flow better because it seems like your forcing yourself to rhyme. Other than that it's good. Great job!

Does this kid just want a randin hookup?

This kid old his best fried and my best friend that he thinks im hot. He made his friends make plans to hang out with my group of friends just so we can hang out. He always talks to me and tries to hang with me bit he neer bothers texing me. Is this kid interested in me or just wants to hook up

Muammar Gaddafi, king of Kings in South Africa? Will African Countries support Gaddafi in his Plight?

I would like to see all the other african nations come and support libya and drive the imperialist invaders out of his country before they carry out genocide on his people. People need to stop watching fox news and Bbc news and wake up to what is really going on.


yes, it has a metaphor, and you can find it quite easily. When any two things(living or non living) are compared in terms of there qualities without the use of 'like' or 'as' its metaphor

Why do Canadians ignore the plight of the First Nations but love to help people in African countries?

I have lived in Canada for 20 years but choose not to become a citizen; one reason being the Federal Government's attitude towards First Nations.

How can i get my self to just like my relationship and not worry about it?

well sounds like all you can do is talk to her and learn to create that trust. I also had relationship problems from past screw overs. Sounds like you have a really nice girl and if your relationship lasts, it will last for a long time seeing as she's never been emotionally attached to anyone else before. So you need to decide if you're ready for a commitment and if you are talk through each of your fears with each other. Opening up and making yourself vulnerable to each other will one, be a big turn on for her and two, start creating a trust and a reliability to each other. My best friend has done this with her current boyfriend ever since they started dating and they are getting married later this year. Hope i helped =]

Why haven't i had a boyfriend? am i ugly?

Ur a crack head, how the he'll can u say u look like a bum. If u look like a bum then I guess all beautiful girls look like my ***

Recent breakup..really confused?

just ask him what he is looking for? and how he would feel about you hanging out with other guys. i don't see anything wrong with it as long as your not sleeping with a bunch of random guys, that might blow your chance with this guy. go with how you feel if it feels right then go with it, start a relationship with him. if he wants to just be friends and see where it goes then by gosh go out and have a good time. you never know when you will find mr right.

How to turn friends with benefits into a realtionship?

I have hooked up with a guy 3 times and slept over at his place twice. On the third time he took me to dinner the night before, we rented a movie, and went back to his place where we watched the movies and then hooked up after. In the morning he took me to breakfast and refused to let me pay. At the beginning of this thing, he said he thought we could have alot of fun together no strings attached (hooking up after parties, etc.). I really feel like we have a connection and we have alot in common. His last gf cheated on him and they broke up almost a year ago. Any advice on how to turn this into a relationship or how to get him to think about me as more than a hookup?

Men, have you ever experienced sexism personally?

Some subtle and some not so subtle. Obviously I do more "manly" chores around the house while my wife does things a woman stereotypically does, but this is not sexism. I was once passed up for a promotion by a younger, less experienced female colleague. I raised hell about it to my boss and human resources department and the issue was eventually solved. I see prejudice against men in the media all the time. They are often portrayed as stupid or clueless in commercials.

I just found out my best mate is gay? What should I do?

16s legal age to have sex so its not really that bad and if you've got nothign against homsexuality whats the problem?

Do I have the right to be mad at my boyfriend?

Okay so I'm in a serious relationship and we've been dating for 7 months as of today. Last night and all today he kept talking about us going out and doing stuff tonight, but we were texting and I asked what he was up to and he said he was at Burger King with a friend? We were going to go out to dinner or something? I haven't made any plans for tonight because I thought he and I were going to do something but now I feel like he lead me on? WTF I'm pissed! I'd rather not be at home right now when I could be with friends! Do I have the right to be mad right now or am I over reacting??

Does my step son have a drug problem and is my wife enabling him?

Not knowing him and going by what you describe I don't think so but if you don't allow drugs in your home then he can't live there if he what's to get high at home.

Irish Dissident Logic do they hate the Irish?

the ironic thing is Britain is Ireland's largest trading partner. I find it rather amusing that they want to ruin relations between the two countries. I also find it weird that people in Dublin were holding posters saying get britain out of northern Ireland, do they realise that the people living in that part of the country choose to be part of the UK they are by no means forced. If they believe in democracy they would respect the majority of the Northern Irish people's views.

What are your feelings about being exposed to childens contagious illnesses?

Could you hold or cuddle a child with a fever or diarrhea? How would you react if an infant just vomited on your new sweater? If you feel uncomfortable around sick children, what steps can you take to better cope with the situation?

Guys what would you say if a girl asked you this?

I am 15 years old and had sex with an 18 year old yesterday. I think I could have gotten myself pregnant by him. I had cramps and they went away after I had sex with him. I know he prec*m inside me but not c*m. What would you do if you were 18 years old and was asked my a 15 year old girl that you had sex with knowing it's not legal how would you react if she asked you if you could get her a pregnancy test? I feel like If i miss my period I will be too scared to ask my mom and I don't have money to buy one and I can't leave the house ever by myself so I would have to have a parent there anyways and I feel like if I miss my period I will have to ask for his help with getting a test and I don't know how he would react. I am scared. he is like my best friend ever and I like him and I don't want any awkwardness between us. Please help me :(

What effect did WWII and its aftermath have on the plight of African Americans in the US?

What gains were made, what gains were not? Also, what prevented massive gains for civil rights in the post war period?

HELP I f*cked up bad at a party :(?

ask him out on a date, if he thinks you f*cked up 2, then he will tell you but he sounds pretty sweet

Does this girl like me? If so, am I reacting well?

This girl at my school was really being friendly at the end of a year in exam study sessions. we were good friends since the 2nd quarter of the year, but we didn't get to talk much. In the study session she always watched me and paid really close attention to what i said. She also looked at me alot outside of the sessions and laughed at all my jokes, even the crappy ones. The last day she asked me to walk around the campus with her during lunch. She didn't have enough money to buy lunch so i gave her my sandwich. When she said her back was sore i offered to carry her backpack for her and she just laughed and said "no, thanks, i'm fine." When i was about to leave she asked if i had to go to the make-up testing, which i didn't, then she said she'll miss me and hugged me goodbye. Was i acting too chivalrous or desperate? No rush on answers, I wont see her for a while unless I'm really lucky.

What can i do for him to like me?

i've been wanting to hookup with this guy for a while but he really wants to get with my friend, shes not really interested though ... anyway, on friday everyone is going to her house and he's going to be there. My friend told me to go for him , but what can i do to make him want me?

How will the GOP react when the Supreme Court rules the Healthcare Law Constitutional?

It will not effect us since we have coverage. The ones who will scream the loudest will be the ones who have more toys then smarts.

Should i wait for him?

This guy and i have had past relations but just recently he told me that he wants to stop fooling around and wants to be with me. Than two days later after we hung out and had a great time i found out about some of his past hookups and got angry so i told him. After that he told me that he just wants to be friends and live the single life for now. He said when he's ready to be in a relationship he will come to me but that sounded like BS but i like him so much and it hurts to have to let him go. After being around him i've gotten so used to him and he feels the same. the problem is he is so hot and cold, one day he wants to be in a relationship, the next day he wants to be friends and i can't keep up with it. I know that sometime this week he's going to ask me again and im sick of it but i can't turn away. He also said a lot of BS to me about how he's excited when hes around me and that i turn him on. The most retarded thing he said was the we coudl be good friends that talk and do "other stuff" ugh I need advice, should i wait around for him?

What do you think of my first song?

I'm sorry this doesn't show any special talent. But who knows this is your first song. Don't try as hard to sound smart try to take it more from your heart.

How to tell a girl that you like, that you are bisexual, and how she will reract (girls answer) ??? ?

How will a girl react if she knows I am bisexual ? Coz I only date women not men , but like to fool around with guys ? How will you girls react If I for instance met you and we like each other and I tell you that I am bi ? Serious answers please

Guys: If you liked your girl best friend...?

If you liked your girl best friend and she tells you through text who she likes, being another guy how do you react? I told my guy best friend and all he said was "Lol true,night " normally he's a lot more wordy, is he let down? :(

Will the new Republican leaders of the United States see fit to remove from history books the period from?

The republican plan boils down to giving big business whatever they want.. And middle class wages and benefits aren't part of that plan.

How would I play .AVI files on my dvd player using an external hard drive or Flash Drive?

Basically I am tired of burning dvd data disks to play movies on my divx player. Unfortunately I do not have an usb hookup on my dvd divx player. So my question is, are there dvd players that have usb ports for external hard drives/flash drives and if I am able to hook it up to the usb port would it actually play the movie? Links to products would be much appreciated. Thank you all for the help.

Do I have a chance,I really like him?

Okay I might sound a little weird,I am 13 years old in 8th grade.I really like this boy.He is a freshman he is 14,The first day I started going to this school last year I was in 7th, Him and all his friends were flirting allot.I got lots of numbers that day :) and I was really attracted to him.He had a girlfriend,so I didn't jump on him..He flirted allot,said I was gorgeous and hot and blah. and At first I was like yea yea ur an ***.. then I started to like him. But the thing is he tried to "hookup" with me..and didn't.. I got a bad reputation for the rest of the yr cuz 5other guys told people we where gonna hookup up but we didn't.Long story short we are super good friends, we hangout allot and one day he spent 45mins on the phone with me trying to Comfort me when I was having a bad day.Next year is his last year before he moves to Asia. and I want to know from what you here If I might have a chance with him.and What I can do to help my chance. (: be nice and I will most definitely give best answer (:

Is there something wrong with me...?

Okay, I'll start with I'm a 13 year old girl. In school everyone hates me but it's for no reason. Everyone just talks about me and are mean to me and I try so hard to not let it get to me but it always does. They always say stuff like I have no friends and im ugly and no one will ever like me(even though I have a boyfriend). It just really hurts because I feel like I've done nothing wrong. Then at home my older sister, mom, and dad basically hate. And no I'm not over reacting they actually say that all the time. They just always yell and curse at me and I try to get out of there way and just stay in my room but they just come to my room and yell. My mom has called me a Wh*re, Sl*t, B*tch what ever you can think of. But I'm not any of those and I just take everything to the heart and it hurts alot. And they say stuff like your so fat so I guess I just freaked out about that and started starving myself for days and making myself throwup. I think they know but they dont care. About six months ago I started to cut myself. And yeah I know it's really wrong and it doesn't help but I didn't stop until about three weeks ago. So then I decided maybe it would make me feel better if I told someone. So I told my mom about a week ago. All she said was don't do it again. And I really, really wanted to help myself so I asked her if I could go to therapy and she no. That I couldn't go becaus therapist dont care about people they just want money then she said that we werent going to talk about this again. So now I'm just lost and don't know what to do. I felt proud for actually wanting help then she just said no. People were all "go tell a couseler" but schools over. I have no one I'm really close to eaither... and yeah I have considered killing myself.

5 yr old son shows happiness/excitement through complaints!?

I could take him to Disney, swing by a toy store, grab an ice cream cone and hand him a $20 but my 5 yr old would say hes tired, hot, hungry, bored, exhausted, sweaty ..... the list goes on. He over exaggerates but why can he not just say thanks mom, or I had fun. Even if I ask him, are you having fun? He says, I guess .... WTF !!!! I dont understand !! Any suggestions on what to say? How to react? (other than wanting to grab him and scream about all the time and money I just wasted on him, he'd better be enjoying himself and say thank you HAHAHAH ) I know he is having fun, I can tell he likes what were doing...... I guess I don't need him to say thanks or whatever but if I say anything in reference to what fun were having he immediately complains about something!!!

London gay hookup spots?

Traveling to london and want to know where are some good places to hook up and have fun for gay guys, but places where you dont have to be hot and fit to hookup. Thanks guys

Could he be over me?!?

my guy and i have been seeing each other for a little over a month now. We hang out almost every day and in the beginning he was always so lovely. But now he seems to be distant and barely talks to me. When i ask him he says were fine but doesn't still doesn't say much. I don't know what to believe, i know it's not another girl but what does this mean? could he be over me? or is it just faze that guys go through. Im 18 and i have had plenty of serious relationships, i can tell that this is not just a hookup but i can't seem to read him. Help!

Why does copper not liberate hydrogen on reacting with H2SO4?

Copper ions are more strongly oxidising than hydrogen ions. Therefore, if any hydrogen was liberated, it would be oxidised back to the ion immediately, reducing the copper metal again.

Hook up or not? guy or girl advice please!?

how can i tell if a guy wants to be in a relationship with me or just wants a hookup? some info- we have been friends for months and is currently single. we talk about having sex and he has asked me to give him a bj. we havnt done anything yet. besides this he is very sweet and we tell eachother everything. are there any signs that anyone can see with this to know if he wants a hookup or not? are there any signs just in general? please give me any advice you see fit.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Being called a tease, HELP GUYS?

In other words you have the qualities the guys want. Yet, you reject them so therefore your a tease. Its like walking into a store with signs "do not touch" on all the materials. Its a tease because we want to touch, we want to observe and investigate. Same thing with you. Your the "look, but dont touch". Some of the guys find an interest in you and may possibly want more than friendship but as you have your limit and boundaries..they consider you a tease.

Can you get your pilot's license and pass your medical exam if you have Severe food allergies?

I have severe food allergies, enough where my allergist requires me to carry an Epi-Pen and Benadryl as a back-up. I only ever use these medications if I come into a food that I am not supposed to eat, as I am not allergic to any environmental substances. Benadryl, I am sure you know is a medication that makes you a little drowsy, however it really doesn't make me really all that drowsy. EpiPens, if used, you are required to go to the hospital. Since I am required to carry these, and because of the way they react and the way you have to react to the medications, I am wondering, are these a disqualification to getting my medical and student pilot license? Thanks! :)