Monday, July 11, 2011

Why are the activists opposing israel and calling for the right of return......?

Yawn. The insane and inane ramblings of a fool. Maybe when the US is no longer the leading world power, the "bigger kids" should gang up and force it to give up a majority of its land for a minority of people, the first inhabitants of the Americas. No history, Palestinian nor Israeli, Arab or Jew, is fully factual, and historians argue on both sides of the spectrum. It is rather laughable also that Jews who oppose Zionism are also labelled self-hating Jews. Israel I suspect will always use the holocaust and alleged antisemitism as an attempt to suppress or undermine the views of any critic. And from someone who either has slippy fingers or just a basic lack of the English language, whether it is your first or second language, as well as coming across as a bloodthirsty and frankly unstable human being, to tell others to become more informed is again, rather laughable.

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